European Ballet and Piano School is a family-oriented school that mainly focuses on children and adult brain development through music and dance. As playing Piano is actually a brain workout dancing Ballet is it too plus a physical workout. Our students use 70% of their brains in each of our classes.

Classes are designed to develop both sides of the brain at the same time plus teach students listening and focusing skills. Our program starts with preschoolers as early as 4 years up to 20 years old. We prepare children to do kindergarten, school, and College or University. We offer Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced levels in both Piano or Ballet classes.

Our Piano adult program is also designed to keep your brain young, fresh and active. We accept adults students of any age. Our oldest student is 70 years old.

School operates since 2013 and during all these years we were witnessing growth, development, and success in many of our students. As a school, we are proud to announce that we are the only school in our city that offers this type of program in an outdoor studio. We are the only one that holds classes outside in open air space. We consider that fresh airflow can protect us all from all kinds of viruses so we decided to move outdoors and help kids, not just have classes but spend some time outside on fresh air. Plus we build Gym so students can build their muscles, a Barre exercise space where students learn the fundamentals of classical ballet, a stage where we perform on a regular basis, and a dance floor.

Our ballet classes offer not just classical ballet lessons but Gym, Barre, stretching and flexibility, brain and focus games, and Nutrition where we learn how to eat healthily and stay healthy.

Our piano lessons offer piano playing, Music Theory, Solfeggio lessons, and motivation and focus lessons.

The most important is that our students enjoy and have so much fun in every class that most of it they don’t want to end. We play games, laugh, and learn. Every student is part of our family as that we take care of each other a lot.

Our teacher is highly educated and experienced the most of all full of love, understanding, and care for each student individually.